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“After he urged the crowd to march to the Capitol and said “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore,” a group of men in military-style vests surged into the metal barricade...charged up the stairs and into the Capitol.”
17 January 2021
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The Senate will vote today on stimulus relief checks being increased to $2,000. NOW IS THE TIME to call your senators to explain how much you need this increase and demand they prioritize American families over corporations. CALL NOW: (202) 224-3121.
29 December 2020
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I read a bit of this last night. Today, I read whole piece of trash. Pissed me off even more. Still don’t know who the hell Joseph Epstein is -other than a bloviating, misogynist, condescending horse’s ass. @WSJ, I thought u were better than this.
13 December 2020
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A waste of column space. After calling Dr. Biden kiddo & dismissing her dissertation on support for community college education, we have to endure a long brag because the author took his final exam on a pool table on a military base. Tired of the misogyny.
13 December 2020
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Even the WSJ knows Trump’s Coronavirus daily briefings won’t help him win in November. Voters see what he’s telling us as what they are. LIES At the end of the day, you can’t lie your way out of thousands of deaths effecting every town. #trumpcovidfails
11 April 2020
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As if an all-out pressure campaign on Ukraine to make up dirt on Trump's political rivals wasn’t enough, it appears that the administration was making a trade deal with China contingent on getting manufactured kompromat on Biden. I'm demanding answers.
30 October 2019