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Trump will go down in history as a #NarcissisticSocioPath. He brags about his television ratings as people die. Earlier yesterday, he uttered the crazy claim that our caregivers were hoarding protective gear. #RemoveTrump2020 #WorstPresidentInHistory https://t.co/H9LQJQKuxL
30 March 2020
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This by a lifelong GOPer who worked in 3 GOP Admins, “Trump is fundamentally unfit—intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically—for office.” Read it all here. Share with friends. #WorstPresidentInHistory Stay healthy. #RememberInNovember https://t.co/aRcnbTIuzk
15 March 2020
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Senate Dems have been urging Trump to declare a National State of Emergency for sometime. Trump finally acted. It was 13 days ago that Trump last called the #coronavirus a Dem hoax. #NeverForget Now let’s see if the #WorstPresidentInHistory can execute. https://t.co/mAwT9syxp9
13 March 2020