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Trump has "no regrets" about inspiring death threats against Ilhan Omar, and Hannity guest says she is "infatuated with Al Qaeda, with Hamas, with Hezbollah." They don't care because they know when they finally convince someone to kill her, there'll be no consequences for them. https://t.co/dmLPLr39nU
16 April 2019
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The Idiot-in-Chief just declared a national emergency, then minutes later made the case that it is not an emergency: "I could do the wall over a much longer period of time.....I didn't need to do this. But I'd rather do it much faster.....I just want to get it done faster."
15 February 2019
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Advice of Counsel only applies if you specifically ask for advice of counsel on a specific matter. When you direct your "lawyer," who only has you and Hannity as "clients," to commit felonies, that is just two crooks engaging in a criminal conspiracy. https://t.co/n4B8vgZXKY
15 December 2018
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Only 37% of Stacey Abrams voters bothered to vote in yesterday’s runoff for GA Secretary of State. I'm done fighting for voting rights for people who can't be bothered to fight for their own voting rights. You got the Secretary of State you deserve. https://t.co/SJL7xm09c8
05 December 2018
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Everyone who voted for Steve King is a racist POS. No excuses. I guess when you've watched your fellow Republicans vote for a child molester in AL, a self-declared Nazi in IL, a dead pimp in NV, and 2 indicted congressmen in NY & CA, voting for scum is just how ye'all roll.
12 November 2018
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Apparently the United States of America is now so weak under Trump that our military need to outnumber 3-1, a few thousand unarmed "disease-ridden" mostly woman and children, who will have walked over 2,000 miles, and need at least a month to prepare for their "invasion." #MAGA
30 October 2018
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Kevin McCarthy has now deleted his tweet warning that billionaire Jews were trying to buy the election. It read: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!" But McCarthy has no problem with the billionaire Christians his fascist party takes money from.
29 October 2018
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Just some of the people who aided a terrorist by trying to lead the FBI away from the true identity of the #MAGABomber by spreading false stories that the bombs were a liberal hoax: Ann Coulter Rush Limbaugh Michael Savage James Woods Mike Flynn Jr. Frank Gaffney David Horowitz
27 October 2018
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The only people who claim to know nothing about Jamal Khashoggi murder are the Saudis & the Trump admin. While reporters unearthed new details, Trump, who also has access to US intel, still claims he knows nothing. What were Kushner's secret meetings with the Saudis really about?
11 October 2018
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Senator Kamala Harris requests that the Republicans share the map presented to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and Grassley calls her rude for interrupting. How dare a woman ask the all-powerful Republican men for documents that should have already been made available to everyone.
27 September 2018