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#KarenPence wanted to make a point #VPDebate. So, she choose to put intentionally put people's lives at risk by refusing to wear a mask. KP flipped us the bird last night.🇺🇸🖕🏻 #KarenPenceIsNotProLife #KarenPenceIsNotProLife #KarenPenceIsNotProLife #KarenPenceIsNotProLife https://t.co/6iWrNZwGHt
08 October 2020
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The most important #VPDebate moment: When asked what the Trump and Pence plan is for protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions after SCOTUS rules against the ACA, Pence didn’t just avoid the question. He ignored it. THEY. DON’T. CARE. ABOUT. YOU. #TheyHaveNoPlan https://t.co/P8lppIBaTz
08 October 2020
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Senator Harris's surgical recitation of the #facts is both chilling and refreshing. She has exposed the #trumppencefailure and her rejoinder about a failure of leadership on both the national and global front is a stark reminder of what is at stake in November. #VPDebate #VOTE
08 October 2020