On SocialEmoluments Clause #BREAKING:Think about that folks-- @tedcruz who is already running AN ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN given.@NRA and #CambridgeAnalytica scandals, is now powered by Russian bots. #Mueller please..?? #TheResistance #unhackthevote #TXSen #TedCruz #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews https://t.co/ksqjcbCS1Y 06 August 2018
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote We stand right beside Michael McFaul. https://t.co/NuLZDoGCed 18 July 2018
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote WOW! This is Asheville North Carolina!! https://t.co/fDyqdGz6F3 20 January 2018
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote BOOM! Electronic Polling Books Could Have Been Altered in Georgia's Counties to Add Or Drop Voters or Scramble Their Data!! https://t.co/C5VqKT5Wy1 28 October 2017
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote So Manafort worked for Russia and Suddenly Comes Back to the Trump Campaign and Drags him to WI and MI. Nothing to See Here. 05 October 2017
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote You're Kidding! Facebook paid in Rubles for its Russian Ads!! https://t.co/oapNICM6s9 16 September 2017
On SocialStone Cold Pillar REMINDER #TrumpRussia was carefully planned for YEARS. It is Putin's long game. Trump/Pence installed by vote total changes. #unhackthevote https://t.co/ZfY632Chqg 01 September 2017
On SocialRob #BREAKING Possible vote machine hacking proof in #martin #county #NC . #trumprussia #RussiaGate #unhackthevote https://t.co/HA8UrwfJ64 18 July 2017
On SocialUSA Grandma Check out @mikefarb1 work on this at #unhackthevote; lots of info on other states 2. Help him continue his work for us by making a donation https://t.co/ZfhLnfkQgK 18 July 2017
On SocialClaude Taylor This is critical. Help in any way you can. But if you live in Georgia 06-you must vote. https://t.co/hwBg6cxXVF 18 June 2017
On SocialAdam Parkhomenko Just stop what you are doing and watch this y'all https://t.co/TAXzRD9oJZ 10 June 2017
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote Montana aren't we beyond having people like this represent us. It's time for the country to stand together. Vote Quist. https://t.co/8Xxa7IzYrh 25 May 2017
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote Fun Fact. Wisconsin can recall any Elected Official with a 25% Signed Petition. Walker? Ryan? https://t.co/gkBjr6fIqx 24 May 2017
On SocialJim M Has Homeland Security become Trump's SS Hmm if true this is a really bad sign: #Resist https://t.co/0BmCm3ZJWg 18 May 2017
On SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote Karen Handel WTF! This is just plain nuts! The Handel Scandal!! As written by Garland Favorito Thread Follow Join Support 18 May 2017
On Socialmalcolm spellman And now Trump's gonna help amplify the voter suppression movement https://t.co/VB9CtbYef1 12 May 2017
play iconOn SocialMikeFarb #unhackthevote This. This Right Here! The Republican Sabotage of the Vote Recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin.https://t.co/vAvTkiApOI 09 May 2017
On SocialClaude Taylor Lookee here folks. @mikefarb1 the expert on this https://t.co/DBF1mY7BAX 06 May 2017
Ask yourself something: are you willing to pay higher taxes and have less affordable health care so you can “own the libs” because that’s the price you’ll have to pay if the GOP agenda is enacted … you pay more, their cronies pay less.
I’m excited to join @ProChoiceCaucus as Freshman Leader! With Roe protections gone and Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature passing one of the harshest abortion bans in the nation, my home state has been on the frontlines of the battle for reproductive freedom.
Eric Trump tourmate claims Jewish people are frauds and “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we're trying to take down today” https://t.co/4Fp6BFm7Pw
Neo-Nazi Brandon Russell, partner charged in Maryland power grid plot - The Washington Post https://t.co/e9oX9K4r8u