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Don’t expect @realDonaldTrump to be handled with kid gloves from now on. He is a criminal unfit to be in the WH. You have heard @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris @StaceyAbrams. @SenWarren tells it like it is. #Indict Trump or #ImpeachTrump or #TrumpResign https://t.co/FPrwjNk0f0
11 February 2019
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What a waste. Mr. Art of the Deal caves. 35 days of hurting 800,000 federal workers for nothing. Your incompetence is breathtaking. Since you’ll eventually be thrown out of office for conspiring with an enemy to steal an election, why don’t you get the hell out now. #TrumpResign
25 January 2019
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Crimes committed by a bully, a would-be dictator, with no regard for law - Even Barr, his nominee for AG, agreed that a President directing another person to lie under oath, “that would be Obstruction.” We are in new territory.#TrumpResign or #IndictTrump https://t.co/RTLBRuOkTH
18 January 2019
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Immediately after Trump’s racist PR stunt, he used it to raise money from his supporters. That’s right. He used an Oval Office “speech” to ask for money. Such a great reason to demand his resignation. He’s so pathetic, disgusting, morally bankrupt, corrupt and lazy. #TrumpResign
09 January 2019