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So, Trump first pressured the acting AG to press false claims on the Election, then he screwed around with a delusional member of the Justice Department to overturn the Election. This is the latest news. #TrumpCriminality #WorstThanNixon #RemoveTrump https://t.co/beWwnxwJW2
23 January 2021
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Andrew Weissmann, senior prosecutor in Mueller's investigation, struggled with whether Trump should be persecuted for his crimes. He concludes yes. “Being president should mean you are more accountable, not less, to the rule of law.” #TrumpCriminality https://t.co/MyG2KEiljJ
24 November 2020
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As the #TrumpCult moves to re-nominate, the New York Attorney General reminds us of #TrumpCriminality. Remember too that Eric, like his brother and sister, stole from charities. All are banned forever from Charity Boards. #EndTrumpRegime #BidenHarris2020 https://t.co/cHHJl4nJj3
24 August 2020
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Yes, Trump threw Giuliani under the bus, saying he didn’t send Rudy to Ukraine. Oh, Trump just made a lucky guess when he told the President of Ukraine (in the July 25 call) & Amb. Sondland to talk to Rudy in Ukraine? #TrumpCriminality #ImpeachRemove https://t.co/Myk2I7kF5k
27 November 2019
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Truth will out. @SpeakerPelosi will soon lead public hearings. At the World Series, 60,000 people chanted “lock him up,” revealing what many Americans think of Trump.This ad will help inform Fox & Friends viewers about #TrumpCriminality #ImpeachRemove https://t.co/Kur4mNVXEk
29 October 2019