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Wrote about how after Florida’s ban on 50+ math textbooks, the ONLY publisher allowed for K-5 math classes is a company called Accelerate Learning. Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin was the CEO of an investment firm that acquired Accelerated Learning. https://t.co/KWfV6x5cqw
21 April 2022
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People should ask why after 20 years of Republican control of Florida, the lowest-income Floridians pay five and a half times as much in taxes as a share of their household income than the state’s wealthiest residents. Florida’s tax system is so inequitable, it ranks 48th.
12 February 2022
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As we see Ron DeSantis missing in action while Florida has its worse COVID surge ever, reminder that Marco Rubio skipped 14 Senate hearings in recent months and has skipped briefings since 2016. Not showing up for work is a pattern for Florida Republicans. https://t.co/KFWnopt4mY
02 January 2022
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Florida has surpassed 4 million COVID cases and broke another daily record number of cases. Ron DeSantis hasn’t had a public briefing on COVID since Dec 17th. The coward won’t show his face to respond to questions about the crisis he is presiding over. https://t.co/ObkjMunp5A
30 December 2021
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I’m getting ready to file a lawsuit against DeSantis for using the FL Dept of Law Enforcement to unlawfully surveil me and other people for merely criticizing the governor, resulting in my unlawful detention. I need all the help I can get, can you retweet and follow this account?
03 October 2021