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Since Jan. 6, @ThisWeekABC has rewritten the history of major Republicans who spread the Big Lie and tried to overturn the election @ABC is not just complicit in Republicans’ misinformation campaign. They are willing and active partners pushing the Big Lie almost every week https://t.co/g7fo0eL1Ps
24 April 2021
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After endorsing Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders says “there are some areas where we disagree” but adds he and Biden are “fairly close” on others. “I thank you for your endorsement, your support … it means a great deal to me personally,” Biden tells Sanders. https://t.co/G5lUW72N5B https://t.co/FVMDwEUCPl
13 April 2020
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Counsel: Is there any factual basis to support the allegation that Ukraine interfered in 2016? George Kent: "To my knowledge there is no factual basis, no." "I think it's amply clear that Russian interference was at the heart" of 2016 election, Kent adds https://t.co/3tXzbD1lO3 https://t.co/pCk1YxNOT2
13 November 2019