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Just to be clear, Democrats sending well wishes and prayers to Ted Cruz’s daughter and his family is more grace than what was ever shown to Paul Pelosi and the failed assassination attempt on Speaker Pelosi’s life by Republicans. That’s what being a decent human looks like.
11 December 2022
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A reminder that Steven Mnuchin funneled $500B of PPP Covid relief loans and gave millions to himself, Kushner, Devin Nunes, Betsy DeVos, Joel Osteen, Kanye West, Tom Brady, Kayleigh McNazi, Elaine Chao, MTG, Lauren Boebert and all were forgiven. But student debt relief is bad?
12 November 2022
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I’ll always say it, there’s absolutely no difference between Nazism, KKK, MAGA, Red Hats, Proud Boys, Fox Propaganda, OANN, Newsmax, Truth Social, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, the Federalist Society, CPAC, QAnon and the GQP Republican cult. It’s all the same, just different labels.
20 September 2022
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Just like the NRA, I’ve always seen CPAC as a terrorist organization that hosts gatherings and I was correct. Next month, they won’t be having their event in the US because it’ll be taking place in Hungary and their Key Note speaker will be Viktor Orban, Hungary’s authoritarian.
26 April 2022
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Just a special Easter reminder that in 1861 11 Senators and 3 members of the House of Representatives were expelled from Congress for failing to recognize the election of President Abraham Lincoln and supporting insurrection/sedition instead just like over 147 GQPers did in 2021.
19 April 2022