On Social
Dear women of @MSNBC, this monumental event happened today thanks to Madam VP. I’m sure you covered it today given the importance it has to all women & babies. Please feel free to post clips here. @mitchellreports @KatyOnMSNBC @HallieJackson @DeadlineWH @thereidout @maddow https://t.co/Qx37EWVDjx
08 December 2021
On Social
Thank you @JoyAnnReid for having me on @thereidout tonight to discuss @fairfightaction's #HotCallSummer! I am asking Americans in every state to call their Senators every day during the month of June. Call 888-453-3211 and tell your Senators to support #S1, the #ForThePeopleAct. https://t.co/NCCjy99Yei
16 June 2021