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Anybody else bemused that @neeratanden has to answer to the @SenateGOP for old tweets that PALE in comparison to what the leader of their party tweeted that, oh by the way, led to a violent insurrection? But they want to clutch their pearls behind her tweets? I mean...I just...🤦🏾♀️
12 February 2021
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Now that Trump #impeachment and @FBI insurrection investigation are official, @POTUS @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @GOP @WhiteHouse here is some FREE legal advice: No deleting or shredding of phone records, emails or papers will absolve you. #SpoliationOfEvidence is a separate crime.
14 January 2021
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You own this phone call @tedcruz. You too @marcorubio. And you @LindseyGrahamSC. And you @RonJohnsonWI. And EVERY member of the @SenateGOP EXCEPT @SenatorRomney. You all knew he was unfit. You all knew he’d do this. But you let him walk free last February. Without even a trial.
04 January 2021
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The only question I have is, did he think of this on his own or did Putin tell him to do it? Either way, it’s incredibly dangerous, likely unlawful & absolutely a violation of his other. It is time for @SenateGOP to DO SOMETHING to save this country. https://t.co/XxosO6ABnZ
19 April 2020
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TY to Estonian Foreign Intel for informing that Russia will interfere in US 2020 elections. They have already started and want to make sure Trump/GOP maintain power. @SenateGOP welcomes this by blocking bills to protect America https://t.co/KBDsuKrEKn https://t.co/6BA18zAzZl
13 February 2020
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🚨 NEW POLL 75% of voters want witnesses. That’s a lot of voters, @SenateGOP Let’s decide to serve constituents and the Constitution. On Friday, vote in favor of #WitnessesAndDocuments History is watching. And so are voters. #ImpartialJustice #DemCast https://t.co/WmcLtpTnx9
29 January 2020
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We have a witness—Bolton—with firsthand evidence of President Trump’s actions. He is willing to testify. How can @SenateGOP not vote to call him & his documents? 4 Senate Republicans can ensure Bolton, Mulvaney, & others with direct knowledge of the president’s actions testify https://t.co/h8dJ3HitLE
27 January 2020
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Americans deserve a fair trial But @SenateGOP blocked reasonable amendments that subpoena 1—WH Docs 2—State Dept Docs 3—OMB Docs 4—Mulvaney 5—DOD Docs 6—Blair/Duffey 7—Relevant Docs 8—Bolton and that make (9, 10, 11) commonsense rules changes Why are they enabling a cover-up?
22 January 2020