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.@Sen_JoeManchin @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems If Dems refuse to take advantage of their majority, and eliminate the filibuster — and don't pass the For the People Act (HR1 and S1), or the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act — democracy will by lost.
01 June 2021
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.@SenKamalaHarris tells the story of Myka, a young Californian who can afford the treatment she needs because of the ACA’s protections. Those protections will be in jeopardy if Republicans succeed in forcing Judge Barrett’s nomination through. #WhatsAtStake #SCOTUSHearings https://t.co/JvwOKiVa83
14 October 2020
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“The fact that Republicans are proposing five years of liability immunity for corporations while promising a few months of assistance for workers tells the whole story about priorities and values.” —@SenatorDurbin discusses Republicans’ totally inadequate COVID relief bill. https://t.co/OTC9rOKhWV
30 July 2020
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I joined @SenateDems on a call with the @VP today to discuss our federal COVID-19 response. They still don't have a plan. The administration doesn’t even have a target number of tests we need to manage this health care crisis. It's beyond unbelievable. https://t.co/YfoXy4wjVh
19 April 2020
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Seriously? @realDonaldTrump hired Omarosa, Mike Flynn, Carter Page, George Papdopolous, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and Rob Porter. Now he wants @SenateDems to blindly accept his nominee for a LIFETIME appointment to the Supreme Court for Brett Kavanaugh? No. Release the documents
13 August 2018