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I’m leaving Mexico City optimistic that our three countries can build a more prosperous & equitable future. Together, North America will be more competitive, better prepared for the future, and better positioned to leverage our diversity to ensure full democratic participation. https://t.co/itP2tsg4Io
11 January 2023
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As we celebrate the end of one year and mark the beginning of another, we have many reasons to be hopeful. Our alliances are stronger — and our foreign policy is delivering for the American people. From our @StateDept family to yours: Happy New Year. https://t.co/USX1GGEAmz
02 January 2023
On Social
On the solemn anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, we remember the horrific power of nuclear weapons -- the enormity of the death and destruction they can deliver -- and reaffirm the responsibility of the U.S. and all nations to ensure such weapons are never used again.
10 August 2021