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In memo to incoming WH senior staff, @RonaldKlain says between 1/25 and 2/1 Biden will sign EO to “fulfill his promises to restore dignity to our immigration system and our border policies, and start the difficult but critical work of reuniting families separated at the border.”
17 January 2021
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For those of you who don’t know @RonaldKlain, you can be so happy, as I am, that the WH will now embody competence, intelligence, goodness, decency, and a heart for those who are often unseen. I’ve known Ron for many years; he is the perfect choice as COS for @JoeBiden. Perfect. https://t.co/pbpcO8Qwq9
12 November 2020
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I really feel like Dems are making the "impeachment question" complicated, when it's simple: "We will hold hearings on what Trump did wrong--including things Mueller didn't even consider (like corruption). At the end of the hearings, we will decide what punishment we support."
22 April 2019