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Wallace nails Vice President Pence's Chief of Staff here. Wallace: "I don't understand. You're saying it's not true and they leaked it." Issue: Marc Short's denying US intelligence officials informed Congress that Putin has a preference for Trump in 2020 elections. https://t.co/uKFqstDSTA
24 February 2020
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I can think of no legal grounds for @AmbJohnBolton to say he’d testify if (GOP controlled) Senate issues him a subpoena — but not testify when (Dem. controlled) House would. Nor are there legitimate grounds for this show of disrespect to the American people who want answers. https://t.co/VI91kAhSOX
07 January 2020
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Big item in #MuellerReport: Russians didn't just tell Papadopoulos they had emails on Clinton. They PREVIEWED their plan for "anonymous release." And who was one member of Congress who informed the public? Video, transcript: @RepAdamSchiff @chrislhayes https://t.co/BYQbjMUOxM
23 April 2019
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When he was earlier at DOJ, Barr wrote a summary of a redacted document. Turns out, he omitted and mischaracterized key facts. The truth came out because Congress demanded to see the complete document. We must accept nothing less. History does have a way of repeating itself. https://t.co/pAioce4lQB
17 April 2019
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Indicted Russian agent #Butina held a birthday party four days after Nov 16 election, "attended by Trump campaign aides," and at the event "she brazenly claimed that she had been part of the Trump campaign’s communications with Russia" @timkmak Feb 2017: https://t.co/ihSEh67E2w
19 July 2018
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This is jaw dropping and outrageous: In 2017, “aides to Donald Trump...hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to orchestrate a ‘dirty ops’ campaign” against former top U.S. officials, @brhodes and @ColinKahl, “as part of an elaborate attempt to discredit the [Iran] deal.” https://t.co/kiDm4jtSwF
07 May 2018
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Prince would be 11th Trump associate who likely misled/lied to feds 1 Sessions 2 Kushner security forms 3 Flynn to FBI 4 Papadopoulos to FBI 5 McFarland to Senate (Flynn-Russian calls) 6 Don Jr to Congress 7 Stone to Congress (Wikileaks) 8 Gates to FBI 9 Manafort on FARA 10 Page https://t.co/M3hdxojXAo
08 March 2018