On Social
This is a joke, right? H.R. 1 – the #ForThePeople Act – has been sitting on your desk for 242 days. Bipartisan background checks? 251 days. Equal pay for equal work? 223 days. Reauthorizing VAWA? 215 days. LGBTQ Equality Act? 172 days. Raising the minimum wage? 110 days. https://t.co/UuIkQbDPsI
06 November 2019
On Social
Hi Tuck. @ilhan is more of an American than you‘ll ever be. The highest form of patriotism is calling your country to a higher standard. But all you know how to do is call people names on your pathetic & ignorant tv show. It’s time for @FoxNews to fire you. https://t.co/sjjbauDJ1F
11 July 2019