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Andrea Mitchell quotes Wolfgang Ischinger, Chair of the Munich Security Conference: "Who would have thought that the President of the United States would be seen as undermining global security and not Vladimir Putin." #MSC19 @mitchellreports @IgnatiusPost https://t.co/buHveopg7g
18 February 2019
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.@RepAdamSchiff on persistent allegations that the Trumps, when they couldn't get money from US banks, were laundering Russian money. "If that is true, that would be more powerful compromise than any salacious video tape or any aborted Trump tower deal." https://t.co/1B1OFApC7f
07 January 2019
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.@NedPrice on Papadopoulos revelations: "It was a foreign government - the Australians - that ultimately went to the FBI rather than the Trump campaign. Instead, what the Trump campaign did was they asked for more information." And took the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians. https://t.co/g3akHQVHCh
30 December 2017