political/general news
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“After he urged the crowd to march to the Capitol and said “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore,” a group of men in military-style vests surged into the metal barricade...charged up the stairs and into the Capitol.” https://t.co/ucycuurAIZ
17 January 2021
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The Senate will vote today on stimulus relief checks being increased to $2,000. NOW IS THE TIME to call your senators to explain how much you need this increase and demand they prioritize American families over corporations. CALL NOW: (202) 224-3121. https://t.co/4vRtsxVCCq
29 December 2020
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I read a bit of this last night. Today, I read whole piece of trash. Pissed me off even more. Still don’t know who the hell Joseph Epstein is -other than a bloviating, misogynist, condescending horse’s ass. @WSJ, I thought u were better than this. https://t.co/qjjLn5rBzM
13 December 2020
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A waste of column space. After calling Dr. Biden kiddo & dismissing her dissertation on support for community college education, we have to endure a long brag because the author took his final exam on a pool table on a military base. Tired of the misogyny. https://t.co/M2UjbVsp9h
13 December 2020