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No matter who Biden chose, saying a woman or a Black — let alone a Black woman — is a “safe” pick is idiotic. Every contender was risky. If that weren’t the sad reality we live in our first woman president would be running for re-election. The word for @JoeBiden’s pick is GUTSY. https://t.co/6LrMDMbOh0
12 August 2020
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Saw Stephen Mitler™️ eating outside. It’s clear he lives in fear. Wears sunglasses at 8pm, hunched over, looks away from street. As he sensed someone walking by he peered side-eye, almost flinching, bracing to be accosted. He & Eva Mitler™️ weren’t talking, not happy newlyweds.
06 July 2020
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John Kelly said trump’s an “idiot”-he is; Econ Advisor Gary Cohn said he’s “dumb as shit”-he is; Gen. McMaster said he’s a “dope”-he is; Gen. Mattis said he has the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader”-too high; Rex Tillerson said he’s a “moron”-he is; I say “STFU”-do so. https://t.co/VEqBjSz45q
28 April 2019
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Pelosi didn’t boast she’d shut the govt Pelosi didn’t spew lies from the Oval Pelosi didn’t slam a table Pelosi didn’t storm out of a mtg Pelosi didn’t take away his airplane Pelosi didn’t jeopardize his safety Oh, and Pelosi didn’t shut the govt Enough “You two cut it out” bs
18 January 2019
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GOP Senators up in 2020 Dan Sullivan Tom Cotton Cory Gardner David Perdue Jim Risch Joni Ernst Pat Roberts Bill Cassidy Susan Collins Hyde-Smith Steve Daines Ben Sasse Thom Tillis Jim Inhofe Mike Rounds Lamar Alexander John Cornyn Moore-Capito Mike Enzi Lyndsey Graham McConnell https://t.co/DMktx2g2GU
13 December 2018
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So many crimes. So many villains. So confusing. So: Is there a single person named trump, married to a trump, spawned a trump, works/worked for trump, or knows trump, who has not conspired, colluded, obstructed, perjured, defrauded, inherited, emolumented their way through life?
08 December 2018
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McGahn verbally telling trump he shouldn’t abuse his power over DOJ is one thing. But a White House lawyer memorializing in WRITING their belief trump would be treading into impeachment territory is a whole different thing. It was written to be found & used later. https://t.co/umripvTb7L
22 November 2018
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.@realDonaldTrump with every fiber of your rotten being you‘ve incited & condoned hate. Never in 643 days have you discouraged people from unleashing the violence inside them. Your very existence requires anger & fear. You need it like normal people need oxygen. This is on you.
24 October 2018
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11 Fraidy Cat Republican *men* need a ringer to do their dirty work: Rachel Mitchell, 26 years in Arizona’s Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, will interrogate Ford, ask Kavanaugh his favorite color. Maricopa County. Rings a bell. OH, Joe Arpaio was sheriff for 25 of her 26 yrs. https://t.co/dRdz8Y0tFn
26 September 2018
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HRC has been Most Admired Woman in the US for 16 years straight and 21 of the last 24 years. On the flip side, this is the first time since Gallup started the Most Admired poll in 1946 that neither the sitting POTUS or FLOTUS won their first year in office. https://t.co/jDKPJ6t9PN
27 December 2017