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NEW: Lawyer: Comey drops legal challenge to Republican congressional subpoena and will agree to closed-door deposition, but lawmakers agreed to release full transcript of his testimony within 24 hours, and he in turn is free to make all or part of it available to the public.
02 December 2018
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DEVELOPING: Judge in Florida rules that voters whose ballots were invalidated by signature mismatches have until 5 p.m. ET Saturday to resolve problems; impacts just over 4,000 rejected ballots that could now be counted; Scott campaign say it will appeal the ruling - @alivitali
16 November 2018
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Rep. Cummings: FBI confirmed "it repeatedly provided derogatory information to the White House about Rob Porter as far back as March of 2017. But White House officials ignored this information and continued granting Porter access to our nation’s most highly classified secrets"
26 April 2018