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#MomsWickedTruth my 93 year old mother says “I thought Biden did very well yesterday. Biden’s best speech. But these miserable Republicans ruin everything. They didn’t even have the decency to show up at the Capitol to honor those cops who saved their lives. They are disgusting.”
08 January 2022
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#MomsWickedTruth my 92 year old mother says “Biden. I think he’s doing very well. I like the way he makes a speech. He talks like a real person. You know he is not lying. I like what he says. He’s doing everything right. So great. Because you know the one before him was so evil.”
06 February 2021
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#MomsWickedTruth my 90 year old mother says “It’s unbelievable. He’s a criminal! I don’t understand why they don’t do something? We waited two years for Mueller and we got nothing. One man is doing so much damage. And what about Jared? Does he still have a security clearance?”
26 April 2019
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#MomsWickedTruth my 90 year old mother says “He should be tried for treason. What happened in that hidden meeting with Putin? He’s a man of a thousand lies and he calls her crooked Hillary. I can’t stand it. Call him #TraitorTrump. Tell Twitter to call him that.” #TrumpConspired
02 August 2018
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#MomsWickedTruth my 89 year old mother says “I never heard of a president like him, who acted like him. He tells 3 thousand lies, and nothing, no one says anything. He’s on tv every day. They should boycott him, not let him have any time at all. Ignore him. He just lies anyway.”
08 May 2018