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Dear women of @MSNBC, this monumental event happened today thanks to Madam VP. I’m sure you covered it today given the importance it has to all women & babies. Please feel free to post clips here. @mitchellreports @KatyOnMSNBC @HallieJackson @DeadlineWH @thereidout @maddow https://t.co/Qx37EWVDjx
08 December 2021
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Joe Biden has been a walking gaffe machine forever. And there are 5 other candidates I'd rather vote for. STILL, I'd rather vote for the guy who accidentally says dumb shit with his heart in the right place, than a guy with NO HEART who's intentionally an asshole all the time. https://t.co/DGb8A6yxpt
09 August 2019
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.@PhilipRucker: VP Biden who was part of admin that created Iran nuclear deal in 2015 is saying Pres Trump has no foreign policy, no discernible direction here or agenda here and ought to be getting back in line with Iran deal and you're hearing that throughout presidential field
17 May 2019
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Andrea Mitchell quotes Wolfgang Ischinger, Chair of the Munich Security Conference: "Who would have thought that the President of the United States would be seen as undermining global security and not Vladimir Putin." #MSC19 @mitchellreports @IgnatiusPost https://t.co/buHveopg7g
18 February 2019
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Sen. McConnell and others still argue there’s no need yet for our bill to protect the Special Counsel investigation. @SenAngusKing observes: This is like arguing we don’t need to establish a fire department until there’s a fire. There’s ALREADY plenty of smoke. @MitchellReports
16 November 2018