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This disgusting picture was taken last night in Newport Beach, CA at a party of high school students from various high schools. This hateful conduct is reprehensible & all involved must be held accountable. And we should all recognize that we must be diligent in ending bigotry. https://t.co/qOf29GjUMs
04 March 2019
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Cooperator Cohen is the only Trump aide who after pleading guilty is EARNESTLY cooperating w/ Mueller and revealing the truth about Trump’s dealings with Russia WHILE Russia was attacking our election. We need @MichaelCohen212 to continue cooperating & @MichaelAvenatti to zip it. https://t.co/OpVPgZ08Dy
02 December 2018
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How to be a world leader for freedom according to @realDonaldTrump: If you give the United States jobs and business (and also line my pockets and those of my family), we will permit you to murder and dismember our journalists and then lie about it repeatedly. What happened to us?
17 November 2018
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Remember Jamal Khashoggi and his murder & dismemberment? I do. Trump wants us to forget. He wants us to allow what happened to be swept under the rug and forgotten. We cannot allow Trump to give a pass to the Saudis - they must be held responsible. #Basta https://t.co/EEUjjVwFkT
02 November 2018
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.@ChuckGrassley claimed last night that I have “established a reputation as a lawyer for the porn world.” This shows how ignorant and out of touch with reality he is. Far too stupid to lead such an important cmte. Meanwhile, he and his colleagues reach for their Betamax tapes...
11 October 2018
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Bif: If I were you, the last thing I would be doing is referencing other people getting out of federal prison. Because after you are indicted, you will likely be passing them on your way in. BTW, they don’t have silver spoons or gold toilets in the joint. Buckle up Buttercup. https://t.co/jnDq4weHZh
09 October 2018
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The FBI investigation was no investigation at all. @realDonaldTrump, @senatemajldr and @ChuckGrassley ensured that numerous key witnesses, including six very damaging witnesses I am aware of, were never even interviewed. Their conduct is a disgrace - they never wanted the truth.
04 October 2018
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Donald Trump and his right wing hacks are claiming my client isn’t credible. If true, then why don’t they want the FBI taking a few hours to interview her and speak to the other witnesses? You would think they would want to discredit us both if the allegations were so untrue.
02 October 2018
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My client Julie Swetnick has offered to take a polygraph test, meet with the FBI and be cross examined by Kavanaugh’s lawyers. He has refused to do the same. All of these women cannot be lying. And women who are lying do not push to meet with the FBI. Why the coverup by Trump?
01 October 2018
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Be clear: 1. I CANNOT just walk my client into an FBI office. We tried that. They claim they don’t have jurisdiction and they refuse to take a stmt. 2. While we may file a criminal complaint, that will have no bearing on any vote due to timing. We will proceed with other options.
01 October 2018
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. @senatemajldr and @realDonaldTrump are now in charge of deciding whether a woman making sexual assault allegations is credible. And they have decided the best way to do this is to not ask the who, what, when, and how about what happened. All women can sleep much easier tonight.
01 October 2018
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Still no word from the FBI. Ramirez was questioned despite never submitting a sworn stmt. Ford was permitted to testify despite never submitting a sworn stmt. My client submitted a sworn stmt and has security clearances, & yet Trump will not allow her to be questioned or testify.
01 October 2018
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We have yet to hear from the FBI. When and if we do, we will promptly disclose to them all information and witnesses in our possession. We continue to request this opportunity as we have been doing for days. My client is telling the truth and deserves to be heard and not shammed.
29 September 2018