play iconOn SocialVoices4America One of our strong contenders for the Presidency says it like he is. #JimmyKimmelLive Here is some descriptions I would use for Trump #TrumpRacism #TrumpCoward. #TrumpPredator #TrumpTraitor A national disgrace. #Kamala4thePeople 18 July 2019
play iconOn SocialVoices4America Pleased to post some witty music reminding us why we need to vote to stop Trump. @LynzyLab Video from Jimmy Kimmel Live, October 11. Watch it, Then do something to GOTV, early if your state has it, or in 15 days,on Nov. 6 #ScaryTimeforAmerica Vote! 22 October 2018
TRENDINGVoices4America Video: Lynzy Lab and friends singing Scary Time (for boys) on Jimmy Kimmel Live. 22 October 2018
TRENDINGVoices4America Colbert Slams Kelly’s Explanation of the Civil War. Video. from Best of Late Night01 November 2017
Ask yourself something: are you willing to pay higher taxes and have less affordable health care so you can “own the libs” because that’s the price you’ll have to pay if the GOP agenda is enacted … you pay more, their cronies pay less.
I’m excited to join @ProChoiceCaucus as Freshman Leader! With Roe protections gone and Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature passing one of the harshest abortion bans in the nation, my home state has been on the frontlines of the battle for reproductive freedom.
Eric Trump tourmate claims Jewish people are frauds and “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we're trying to take down today”
Neo-Nazi Brandon Russell, partner charged in Maryland power grid plot - The Washington Post