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Remember Trump withholding federal relief to California because he didn’t carry the State in 2016? Today @Potus sent federal aid to Florida without resentment or self aggrandizement, even though a number of GOPers there deny he’s the President. Why? Because he’s a GOOD President.
29 September 2022
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Hard to stomach a Governor who spends millions of dollars on a political stunt, rails against the federal gov’t, refuses to respect the health guidelines of federal agencies & flaunts civil rights, but then demands billions from the federal gov’t when his State’s in trouble.
28 September 2022
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Last year Boeing lost $12 billion. It’s CEO made $21.1 million. Norwegian Cruise Line lost $4 billion. It’s CEO made $36.4 million. Hilton laid off 1/4 of their corporate staff and lost $720 million. It’s CEO made $55.9 million. And there are children starving. That is obscene.
26 April 2021
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Listen to the phone call. Ignore the lies and made up numbers. Ignore the false flattery. Ignore the threats. Pay attention to a 74 year old, rich, white man - the President of the United States - begging, BEGGING, a Government official to break the law for him. #TrumpBegged
04 January 2021