kavanaugh, brett m
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We believe Deborah Ramirez. We believe Christine Blasey Ford. And we believe abusers everywhere must be held accountable for their actions. The House Judiciary issued subpoenas earlier this yr to investigate Kavanaugh—now would be a good time for answers. https://t.co/jCvkjZrzeH
16 September 2019
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7/ Here's the NYT story on McConnell warning Trump that Kavanaugh might not be able to be confirmed. At the time, everyone wondered *why* a DC Circuit Court judge who *topped his class at Yale* would be a *tough* confirmation. Was there a secret lurking? https://t.co/6HfEuSzBAz
02 October 2018
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The guy can’t help but lie. It is sad but he thinks he has to be perfect and that is why he is a drunk. Alcohol is how he lets go, and when he does...danger. The only thing wrong with this @nytimes article is its title. It should be called #KavanaughLies https://t.co/fHAp72ioTt https://t.co/s352i3Meyk
29 September 2018
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The guy can’t help but lie. It is sad but he thinks he has to be perfect and that is why he is a drunk. Alcohol is how he lets go, and when he does...danger. The only thing wrong with this @nytimes article is its title. It should be called #KavanaughLies https://t.co/fHAp72ioTt https://t.co/xAMMLQoDrS
29 September 2018