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So @FoxNews how long are you going to keep this racist, misogynistic, pig on your network? You know what happens when people start boycotting his sponsors, don't you? Every single time you retweet this Fox will get a notification that Tucker Carlson needs to be fired. https://t.co/wXfOSZq4W6
11 March 2019
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As a survivor of sexual assault, I CANNOT even express how sick this made me feel. Men like @realDonaldTrump are the EXACT reason women don't come forward after being raped. It's the reason it took me 37 years to tell a soul. Fuck you Donald Trump. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/L4Ruoe8zqu
03 October 2018
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Collins’s office received 3,000 coat hangers protesting Kavanaugh, Awesome. Now let's show @SenatorCollins that we ALL think she should vote NO to Kavanaugh by retweeting this to every corner of the internet. Each Retweet & she gets a notification! https://t.co/Q7ptmTAnuD
10 September 2018
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BREAKING: The California judge responsible for Brock Turner's mere 6 month sentence for a raping a woman behind a dumpster while recording it, Judge Aaron Persky, has been removed by CA voters. Retweet to show the world we will no longer stand for racial inequality in our courts
08 June 2018