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You've probably seen this~ I just note that it was four years ago TODAY. I remember the shock & concern I felt as Secy Clinton got wobbly on the street, as she approached her car. Clearly she was ill~ fortunately accompanied by aides who steadied her. What a thing to make fun of. https://t.co/EjmsoXv1v8
03 October 2020
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the idea of "privatizing" the Postal service is hateful. So it would be a business, run by a corporation? This is something Trump and his gang wants? Those guys who are geniuses at taking money out of businesses they run into bankruptcy? What a vile prospect. https://t.co/Y9TPoV0Y2W
12 April 2020
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Quite separate from Kavanaugh's possible misrepresentation of 30+ year old events, his behavior yesterday- preserved forever in evidence- paranoid, narcissistic, rageful, entitled, self pitying, out of control, and PARTISAN- should disqualify him from a seat on the Supreme Court.
29 September 2018
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Cecile knows a woman capable of being a great governor when she sees one! I like to think I do, too. @staceyabrams has the heart, the brains, the warmth, the experience, and the GRIT! Wish I could vote for her~ but I did the next best thing, and sent some dough!!! https://t.co/Wc9T0IZRRv
11 September 2018