On SocialJohn Fetterman “Dr.” Oz made a fortune pushing fake "miracle cures" on TV Real Doctors are calling him out for his bullshit lies 👇 https://t.co/Yo6y919qZf 14 October 2022
On SocialNatalie Shure The COVID-19 vaccine is free, but many patients are still avoiding it for fear of cost. I wrote about what that tells us about the U.S. healthcare system for @newrepublic https://t.co/GV74F03yU7 07 June 2021
On SocialEve Ellis Equal Rights Amendment Cant Wait in Time of COVID https://t.co/jyafO3xHIs 07 September 2020
On SocialMichelle Rep. Ilhan Omar returns home to cheers, vows to be a 'nightmare' for Trump https://t.co/nVG5PRlFgc 19 July 2019
On SocialSenator Bob Casey There's no backup plan, there's no Republican replacement plan. This lawsuit is totally irresponsible. They don't seem to give a damn if this coverage is ripped away. #TexasvUS https://t.co/yRlej0RZEf 12 July 2019
On SocialCheri Bustos No American should be forced to fear whether they can afford health care for their family. That’s why my Democratic colleagues and I are hard at work to lower prescription drug costs and expand access to coverage. #ProtectOurCare https://t.co/nPBzJBVRRp 31 May 2019
On SocialAmerican Bridge Susan Collins is trying to reclaim her “moderate” brand by feigning disappointment over the Justice Department's support for eliminating the entire ACA, but her voting record shows where she really stands. #MESen #mepolitics https://t.co/D1OMpCFOcZ 27 March 2019
On SocialThe Hummingbird 🐦 GOP Senator shamelessly admits that Republicans plan on stripping away health care from millions of people if they win one or two seats in mid-term elections https://t.co/mKa05Kws4B 02 August 2018
On SocialHuffPost Here's what voters are focusing on ahead of the 2018 midterms, according to a new poll https://t.co/OgnYo8pPsS 08 April 2018
On SocialTom Perez The majority of the Senate wants bipartisan health care improvements, but GOP leaders won't stop playing politics. https://t.co/KKzja0pOC1 22 October 2017
On SocialJake Tapper Actually POTUS's 36% approval rating 6 months into his presidency is the very worst in history of modern polling. https://t.co/r0SAa1VWpJ https://t.co/7vFV0S3fvJ 17 July 2017
On Social@AdamsFlaFan Hillary Clinton Brilliantly Trolls GOP On Twitter By Telling Them To Enact Her Health Care Plan via @politicususa https://t.co/2q6xaLSBVn 06 July 2017
On SocialTom Perez Veterans put their lives on the line for our country. It’s a disgrace that the GOP wants to repeal their care: https://t.co/kfvK4MvD84 29 June 2017
On SocialClaire McCaskill So Rs saw the video & said I was "ranting and raving" https://t.co/B1P4PlBhbB Help me in 18 if you liked my rant! https://t.co/SPX25K1E1N 10 June 2017
play iconOn Social#TheResistance GOP Congressman Says Trumpcare Failed Because It Wasn’t As Good As Trump Steaks https://t.co/bn2yrg6AMd 28 March 2017
On SocialEric Boehlert single player would be great...but it couldn't even pass in Vermont; https://t.co/O8CRCR04XT 25 March 2017
Ask yourself something: are you willing to pay higher taxes and have less affordable health care so you can “own the libs” because that’s the price you’ll have to pay if the GOP agenda is enacted … you pay more, their cronies pay less.
I’m excited to join @ProChoiceCaucus as Freshman Leader! With Roe protections gone and Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature passing one of the harshest abortion bans in the nation, my home state has been on the frontlines of the battle for reproductive freedom.
Eric Trump tourmate claims Jewish people are frauds and “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we're trying to take down today” https://t.co/4Fp6BFm7Pw
Neo-Nazi Brandon Russell, partner charged in Maryland power grid plot - The Washington Post https://t.co/e9oX9K4r8u