george w. bush
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To the Jews who laughed and clapped at Trump’s anti-Semitic remarks Saturday night, remember he will come for you, too, or his minions will. How many more synagogue shootings are needed before you see your tax break isn’t worth blood? via @NYTOpinion
10 December 2019
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well whaddya know despite Team Trump’s claims to the contrary, US economy did NOT reach 3% growth in 2018 even by the non-standard Q4 2017-Q4 2018 measure the WH selectively invoked after BEA revised Q4 growth down, recalculated year-over-year is 2.97%
01 April 2019
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Nancy Pelosi Is Winning She beat George W. Bush on Social Security privatization, and she’ll beat Trump on the wall. 👉🏽”For years, Democrats have wondered when their leaders would start playing tough. Turns out @TeamPelosi has been doing so all along.”
17 January 2019
WHY I CAN'T SUPPORT TRUMP by Susan Collins, U.S. Senator plus Charles Fried, former Solicitor General