federal budget (us)
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I think the better option is to take the offensive and confront the issue head-on. Biden should make the case that the debt limit, because of the threat it poses to the validity of the nation’s debt, is unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment. @WHCOS https://t.co/DZPVynUgfg
22 January 2023
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Senate Leaders Reach Deal that Could Reopen Government by Week’s End. I gather this will happen. @realDonaldTrump bill will fail and then a bill funding the government until Feb 8 will pass. In the meantime, call your elected officials. #impeachmentnow https://t.co/o9R6Bhitls
22 January 2019
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Pelosi Holds House Floor to Advocate for ‘Dreamers.’ 7 Hours & Counting. (In 4 inch heels).This Woman is amazing. When we take back the House & Senate in No, she will be 3rd in line for POTUS, ready to serve when Trump and Pence are impeached.Register! https://t.co/EgujP21aAP
07 February 2018