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It is journalistic malpractice to run a story like this and not point out Dems pushed a bill *years* ago to create a national security standard for preventing ransomware attacks, only to be blocked by the GOP because the U.S. Chamber was scared it would hurt corporate profits. https://t.co/NWCjTMbNuw
13 May 2021
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Stop lying. The vast majority of the 2017 corporate tax cuts went to stock buybacks and created zero jobs. Besides, a major part of Biden's proposed tax is on *overseas* profits, so the net effect would be to bring that money home to invest here. Which means more jobs. https://t.co/YZ501snO1y
18 April 2021
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In case you're wondering, this Lauren Boebert woman who just beat the GOP incumbent in the #CO03 primary is completely fucking insane. She owns a BBQ restaurant full of guns that was fined for defying COVID orders. She has also spoken admirably of QAnon and the Branch Davidians.
01 July 2020
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Tell them that Biden will appoint judges in the mold of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, break right-wing control of the courts and allow rulings like Citizens United, Shelby County, and Rucho to be overturned. Tell them Biden has a climate plan based on the Green New Deal and IPCC models.
10 April 2020
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Kamala Harris spent this week rolling out a comprehensive plan to give children of working parents afterschool activities. Tulsi Gabbard rolled out a series of videos attacking Hillary Clinton. So refreshing to see what the media considers newsworthy. https://t.co/qYmV9h347Q
11 November 2019