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The T cell response to mRNA vaccination is extraordinarily robust & durable, especially as determined by draining lymph nodes. That's what helping to prevent severe disease, irrespective of variants (including Omicron) https://t.co/xgHbRI1ZDs @TheBcellArtist @WUSTLmed https://t.co/4c2cgUvgWV
28 December 2021
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FULLY VAXXED= 3 shot. We should follow Israel 🇮🇱 lead and just say “3rd shot” and define “fully vaccinated” as 3 shots only. The CDC needs to get serious and not dance around with “booster” language anymore—redefinition 3 shots = fully vaccinated ASAP. #COVID19 https://t.co/UeUxoyNwEH
12 November 2021