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Trump calls his win in Iowa a fraud, insults his wife and claims his father was part of a Presidential assassination plot. Yet Cruz, a Harvard law graduate, is willing to debase himself and the constitution for his Dom and Master. He’s a weak and sniveling political masochist.
03 January 2021
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When you see a dumb post from your Uncle Rudy or Aunt Kayleigh about PA, tell them Biden’s lead is 70K, a full 1% (he’ll end up winning PA by more than Trump won MI/PA/WI by) and Trump did better in Philly in ‘20 than ‘16. And Biden doesn’t need PA. But it’s nice to have 306.
16 November 2020
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Still hard to believe this gang of grifters and criminals are under the same roof as Lincoln, FDR, Reagan and Obama. Every night I left the White House, I looked back at the building, in awe of all those who came before. Years from now, no one will do the same for this awful crew
26 August 2020