On Socialdiane #ForAll straub “The president stunned reporters with his dismissal of the injuries suffered by our brave service members in the Iranian missile barrage he provoked.” #Iran https://t.co/0WxC4UKq8H 22 January 2020
On SocialVoices4America #DerangedDonald or was it #DictatorDonald speaks again? Talking about the Mueller investigation, he starts claiming dictatorial powers for the Presidency. Cover the children’s ears! #ImpeachTrumpNow https://t.co/noe30zTT5M 24 July 2019
TRENDINGVoices4America Trump falsely says the Constitution gives him ‘the right to do whatever I want.’ 24 July 2019
play iconOn SocialVoices4America Historic: watch the moment the House rebuked Trump’s racism. Well worth watching. This extraordinary rebuke of #TrumpRacism is the first rebuke of a President in the House in more than 100 years. https://t.co/GxSjkYH4cR 17 July 2019
play iconOn SocialVoices4America #SheThePeople took place yesterday. 8 Dem contenders were there. From what I hear, Kamala Harris & Elizabeth Warren were the best received. Black women will win the Senate & POTUS for us. This is how it went down with Sanders. Oops. #BlueWave2020 https://t.co/S7b6Shd58w 25 April 2019
TRENDINGVoices4America Sanders gets tough reception at black women’s event, signaling challenges ahead. 25 April 2019
On SocialVoices4America If you missed TRMS on Thursday night and didn’t watch the multiple times Trump knows & endorses obscure talking points of Putin propaganda, check them out here. We don’t know why Trump is #PutinsPuppet, but He Is. #TrumpResign. https://t.co/BtFYejnLH8 06 January 2019
TRENDINGAnnette Niemtzow Rachel Maddow: Trump is curiously well versed in Russian talking points. 05 January 2019
play iconOn SocialVoices4America As Hillary told us, Trump was Putin’s Puppet. Watch Rachel Maddow connect the dots. #TrumpTraitor https://t.co/3SJ768jGbQ 03 December 2018
TRENDINGAnnette Niemtzow Maddow: Lifting Russian sanctions key to Trump deal exposed by Cohen. 03 December 2018
play iconOn SocialVoices4America Michael Cohen is eager to speak to Robert Mueller. Listen to his lawyer here. I promise you this. The fireworks have just begun. #TrumpIsACriminal https://t.co/wNtB6GgbjE 22 August 2018
TRENDINGAnnette Niemtzow Michael Cohen is eager to speak to Robert Mueller. Listen to his lawyer here. 22 August 2018
play iconOn SocialVoices4America After Trump embarrassed America by dissing our Agencies & groveling before Putin, he pretended a one word mistake & claimed to blame Russia but added, “Could be other people, also.” Just a Traitor & liar. #StopTrump #TraitorTrump https://t.co/fV2oirTbu1 18 July 2018
TRENDINGVoices4America Would It or Wouldn’t It Be Russia: Trump Goes Double Negative. Analysis & Video. 18 July 2018
play iconOn SocialVoices4America This is now revised to include what WE ALL must do to stop these crimes against humanity happening in our names. Watch the Chris Hayes video again but more - read the tweets. Read and Retweet or this is on you. https://t.co/y0dashhUTw 27 May 2018
On SocialVoices4America Children separated from their parents. Children then lost by our government. This is being done in our name, America. If you believe in Democracy, call your elected officials and tell them to stop this shameful Trump policy. Watch this. Share. https://t.co/eywhH0R2DC 26 May 2018
TRENDINGAnnette Niemtzow Watch Chris Hayes on Trump policy to separate immigrant children from their parents. 26 May 2018
play iconOn SocialVoices4America March today!Today! #MarchforOurLives Even if you have never marched before, Today is the day not to abstain from history. https://t.co/QtQk7wBKA0 24 March 2018
Ask yourself something: are you willing to pay higher taxes and have less affordable health care so you can “own the libs” because that’s the price you’ll have to pay if the GOP agenda is enacted … you pay more, their cronies pay less.
I’m excited to join @ProChoiceCaucus as Freshman Leader! With Roe protections gone and Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature passing one of the harshest abortion bans in the nation, my home state has been on the frontlines of the battle for reproductive freedom.
Eric Trump tourmate claims Jewish people are frauds and “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we're trying to take down today” https://t.co/4Fp6BFm7Pw
Neo-Nazi Brandon Russell, partner charged in Maryland power grid plot - The Washington Post https://t.co/e9oX9K4r8u