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Justice Elena Kagan: "Wisconsinites, through no fault of their own, may receive their mail ballots too late to return them by Election Day ... They must opt between 'brav[ing] the polls,' with all the risk that entails, and 'los[ing] their right to vote.'"
27 October 2020
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Some Republicans push back after President Trump declined to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. “If Republicans lose we will accept the result. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Joe Biden, I will accept that result,” Sen. Lindsey Graham said.
24 September 2020
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Sara Gideon, who will face Susan Collins this fall, has already raised a staggering $23 million. And Gideon's primary victory entitles her to $3.7 million from a crowdsourced fund for Collins' challenger established during Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.
18 July 2020
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If Barr had told Mueller this was his reading of the DOJ rules, Mueller probably would’ve declared that Trump committed numerous instances of indictable obstruction of justice offenses for which anyone but a sitting president would’ve been prosecuted. QED
03 May 2019