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Can we get 2,000 retweets? There is a special election on May 12 in California. Republicans are attempting to flip this seat previously held by Katie Hill. They will unless folks step up. The Democratic nominee is @ChristyforCA25. Retweet, follow her & ask others to do the same.
19 April 2020
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Until now I haven’t engaged directly w/ @cenkuygur - but this is further disqualifying. On behalf of people of faith everywhere, stop calling yourself a progressive. Being a sexist, homophobic, genocide denying racist is the opposite of a progressive. #CA25 people deserve better https://t.co/xaHnBzboBM
15 December 2019
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I would like to commend Congresswoman @KatieHill4CA for her service on behalf of #CA25 as well as her willingness to put country first by stepping down from office. After much encouragement from community members, today I am proud to announce that I am running for Congress https://t.co/p0Gl6jwc76
11 November 2019