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The President won the most votes of any candidate in US history on an economic plan that will change the game for the middle class by making investments in families instead of more tax giveaways for the 1%. RT and Reply with this hashtag if you think #BidensAgendaWorksForUS
30 September 2021
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Breaking: A bridge over a highway in Washington DC just collapsed injuring several people. The quality of our infrastructure ranks #13 in the world. We must rebuild our communities and economy better than before with the American Jobs Plan and create millions of good paying jobs.
24 June 2021
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Meet serial liar Kevin McCarthy. He is the GOP Leader in the US House of Representatives. If you thought the fake news and seditious bullshit would be gone when Trump was defeated and forced out of Washington you were wrong. Watch this video and RT if you think he needs to resign https://t.co/pvyDHZooFL
23 January 2021
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My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell said in an interview Monday night that Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl’s will stop selling his products due to his continued support of conspiracy theories related to President Donald Trump’s election loss. Retweet if you support a boycott of his products.
19 January 2021
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Imagine getting arrested in the USA for advocating for fair elections. This is what is happening in Russia right now. @realDonaldTrump & @senatemajldr allow Putin to interfere in our elections because selling out America & cheating is the only way the GOP can win. #TrumpIsARat https://t.co/LtjntsQubT
30 July 2019