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According to research, since the Aurora theater shooting, the average death toll in a mass shooting has been 24.4 when an assault weapons is used. When another firearm is used, the average death toll has been 7.5. Assault weapons make shootings FAR MORE deadly. #BanAssaultWeapons
01 March 2018
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DID YOU KNOW? A federal court ruled last year that assault weapons are NOT protected by the 2nd Amendment. DID YOU KNOW? Democrats introduced a bill to #BanAssaultWeapons in 2017. The GOP refuses to support it. DO YOU WANT GUN REFORM? Then vote out the GOP in 2018. #NeverAgain
28 February 2018
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Dozens of Florida residents were killed in gun massacres while Republicans took millions from the @NRA. Never forget the Pulse nightclub & the Douglas High School massacres. In 2018, We must defeat every Florida Republican who has taken @NRA money or opposed #BanAssaultWeapons.
22 February 2018