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You have all made it happen. There is over 1 million people following @AuschwitzMuseum. 'I am deeply moved by the support of people from all around the world, who - together with us - commemorate the victims of Auschwitz,' said Dr. Piotr Cywiński, the director of the Memorial. https://t.co/ctrbE39iDd
27 January 2020
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"Be free of any hatred. Just because someone is different, has a different skin color, or speaks a different language... After all, we are very much the same. We are all human". The words of #Auschwitz survivor Bogdan Bartnikowski sound more powerful today | #Christchurch https://t.co/OlP4MqLc0U
16 March 2019
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We are morally obligated to bear witness to mankind’s greatest crime. We must never forget. I was honored to be at the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz with Elie Wiesel. It is something I will never forget. Please follow @AuschwitzMuseum https://t.co/E6Pn9lleYB
28 December 2018