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Al Franken tells @Acosta on the legitimacy of SCOTUS, "They've stolen two seats. The one that Merrick Garland wasn't given a hearing for. And the one that Coney Barrett, where she was seated a week before the election. That destroyed the legitimacy of the court. " https://t.co/T3cdg3wC4p
11 September 2022
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Stephanie Grisham to @Acosta today: "I did watch him rip some papers up and place them in his inside jacket pocket. I remember at the time wondering why those went in the pocket and not on the floor like the others. Perhaps those are ones that went upstairs to the toilet."
13 February 2022
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Raskin to CNN: "You don’t knock over the US Capitol and wound 140 officers and storm the capitol and lay state of siege to the congress without any money being behind it.... Lots of money was raised and we do intend to get to the bottom of the financial dimension of this attack." https://t.co/ssD8wPQw5h
24 October 2021
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A source close to former VP Mike Pence tells @Acosta Trump’s legal team was not telling the truth when attorney Michael van der Veen said “at no point” did the then president know Pence was in danger on January 6th. Asked whether van der Veen was lying, the source said "yes."
13 February 2021
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More lies in Trump video. Says “no true supporters of mine could ever endorse political violence.” (These were his supporters of his at rally. He told them to come. He said he was with them as they marched to Capitol. Also he has stoked violence before calling press “enemy,” etc)
14 January 2021