Former Senior Trump Advisor Steve Bannon arrested and charged ​with Fraud in ‘Build the Wall Campaign.’

Fed­eral pros­e­cu­tors charged for­mer se­nior Trump ad­viser Steve Ban­non and three oth­ers for what they said was their role in a scheme to de­fraud hun­dreds of thou­sands of donors in con­nec­tion with an on­line crowd­fund­ing cam­paign

The cam­paign, known as "We Build the Wall," raised more than $25 mil­lion, ac­cord­ing to pros­e­cu­tors from the South­ern Dis­trict of New York, which brought the charges.

"As al­leged, the de­fen­dants de­frauded hun­dreds of thou­sands of donors, cap­i­tal­iz­ing on their in­ter­est in fund­ing a bor­der wall to raise mil­lions of dol­lars, un­der the false pre­tense that all of that money would be spent on con­struc­tion," Act­ing U.S. At­tor­ney Au­drey Strauss said in a state­ment.

Mr. Ban­non was ar­rested Thurs­day morn­ing.

Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2020

The title I used here is a mashup of titles, not what appeared on the WSJ.


August 21, 2020

Voices4America Post Script. It seems #CriminalTrump' “best people“ all steal from charities. 🤔 #DonaldTrumpJr #EricTrump #IvankaTrump all banished from being on nonprofit boards for life. #SteveBannonCriminal #OnlyTheBestPeople #ShareThis

Here are some additional details about the Bannon Arrest and the Fraud.

Bannon is the sixth person who served in the inner circle of President Trump's 2016 campaign to be criminally charged by the Trump administration's Justice Department.

Prosecutors say Bannon, Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato, and Timothy Shea defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors with We Build the Wall, a crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $25 million amid promises to erect a barrier on the southern border. The campaign initially announced a $1 billion goal. According to We Build the Wall's website, a number of high-profile figures in Trump's orbit have sat on the group's board, including anti-immigration activist Kris Kobach, Blackwater founder Erik Prince, baseball player turned right-wing blowhard Curt Schilling, former Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke, and anti-immigration zealot Tom Tancredo.

Here is the full Rolling Stone article, outlining the scheme.


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