Electoral Questions. Take #3. by Theresa Rebeck

Seriously, does no one in the Electoral College care that Donald Trump is insane?

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by an enormous margin. Both the FBI and the Russian government interfered in the election. And, did I mention, Donald Trump is insane?

And there's no reason for the Electoral College to put on the brakes? Anybody?

Look, for a minute let's pretend we live in a fact-based world. Wait a minute. We do live in a fact-based world. That was easier than I thought. Anyway, in reality, this is the moment that our vaunted Founding Fathers were thinking of when they dropped the weirdo electoral college into the constitution. A crazy person gets elected, pretty much illegally, and this lying demagogue is set to blow up America, also the rest of the planet.

Trigger the Electorals to step in and fix this mess!

Not yet? Okay, here's some more:

Trump is putting together a cabinet of billionaires and oligarchs who are going to be running our planet, and the future of the planet is of no interest to them. Global warming may or may not exist. They don't even care enough to hold an opinion at this point! Thousands of people can melt, or drown! Whole species can die! The outsized profits of a few corporations are more important to them than creation itself!

Okay, here's some more:

Morality means nothing. Simple human decency, nothing. Justice, nothing. The only thing that seems to matter is corporate profits.


Women, who make up more than half the population of our battered earth, are to have virtually no voice in this new regime. People of color? No place for you either. Somehow, to Trump and his minions, unborn zygotes are more important than living people. Many people voted this administration into office because they were told by their priests and ministers that zygotes are more beloved by God than people who walk the earth. So those would be the only human beings (they're not actually human; they're zygotes) who have rights.

So this isn't a "conservative" regime, as that idiot Rick Santorum is now running around saying. It's straight up crazy.
And we're all told that there's no chance in hell that the last safeguard of our post-enlightenment democracy—that nutty Electoral College—can put a stop to this?

There is a version of electoral salvation that has been proposed. Republicans and Democrats are working with the self proclaimed Hamilton Electors who have suggested a replacement for Trump. They have turned to an all male ticket, which they think maybe they can get a majority of their number behind. This new ticket would be headed by Ohio governor Kasich and Vice President Biden.

Okay, it's true that the man who they hope will replace the woman who should be our rightfully elected candidate just minutes ago signed an unConstitutional, anti-woman ban against abortions after 20 weeks. Which means these electors obviously can't be asked to get behind Hillary, who (let us remember) had most Americans voting for her, but they can get behind another white dude who wants to restrict women's rights.

I'm not going to say "oh never mind," although I confess I'm often on the brink of thinking it.

What I really think is: Electoral College do your duty! Vote for the president who won the popular vote!

I also think: If the Electoral College can't do anything to save the country, ever, can we finally get rid of it?
Cause then Hillary would be president.


December 15, 2016

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