23 September 2018
TRENDING"Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs."
That quote from British playwright Noel Coward was featured on Mark Judge's senior yearbook page when he graduated from Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, Maryland, in 1983, according to a report from The Washington Post.
Judge is the man accused of watching and laughing while his friend Brett Kavanaugh – now a nominee to the Supreme Court – held a girl down and tried to remove her clothes at a party while they were all in high school.
Since the allegations by psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford came to light, the the writings of Judge, an author and columnist, are under intense scrutiny. From his high school yearbook quote to his more recent opinion pieces, Judge's takes on men, women and sexuality are raising eyebrows.
"I never saw anything like what was described," Judge told The New York Times, adding that the students at Georgetown Prep were raised Catholic and would not have behaved the way described by Ford.
But Judge's memoirs, "Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk" and "God and Man at Georgetown Prep: How I Became a Catholic Despite 20 Years of Catholic Schooling," paint a very different picture of what the Post called a "nest of debauchery." And he said his drinking and "immorality" began at that school, even as he credited the education he received there, the Post reported.
Judge described a school with "masturbation class" where the boys "lusted after girls" from other Catholic schools and drank heavily, including to the point of blacking out.
The Post said Judge never described any incidents of sexual violence.
Although Kavanaugh is not explicitly mentioned, "Wasted" includes a character named Bart O'Kavanaugh who drinks to the point of passing out and vomiting, the Post reported.
The Post report also said Judge was the caption editor for the yearbook, which included a photo of a group of boys with a caption reading, "Do these guys beat their wives?"
Judge eventually stopped drinking and became a devout Catholic. After a stint as a college professor, he began writing columns that have appeared in a wide range of publications.
In a 2015 post for Splice Today, Judge defended depictions of women in pulp fiction novels and films from the critiques of "social justice warriors."
"Every man who's fit to live has his own stories about the time, like a Hard Case character, he ducked the police, got in over his head with money, or abandoned himself in pursuit of love or sex. We've all climbed up windowsills, driven all night, and gotten into fights over a girl," Judge wrote.
He continued:
"Of course, a man must be able to read a woman's signals, and it's a good thing that feminism is teaching young men that no means no and yes means yes. But there's also that ambiguous middle ground, where the woman seems interested and indicates, whether verbally or not, that the man needs to prove himself to her. And if that man is any kind of man, he'll allow himself to feel the awesome power, the wonderful beauty, of uncontrollable male passion."
In one August 2013 column for the conservative site The Daily Caller, Judge called Barack Obama "the first female president" because he "doesn't have just a streak of the feminine in him; he seems to be a woman, and a feminist one at that, with a streak of man in him."
That same year, in a post of the site Acculturated, Judge wrote about a "double standard" among feminists when it comes to body language.
"Of course there is never any excuse to rape someone. But it's possible to have two seemingly contradictory thoughts to be both equally true. There's never any excuse to rape, a crime that I think is almost akin to murder because the rapist kills a part of the human soul," he wrote. "And yet what women wear and their body language also send signals about their sexuality."
USA Today. Spetember 19, 2018
Post Script. Clearly, this SCOTUS nominee hung around with the best guys with the most misogynisticviews. Mark Judge, Kavanaugh's closest chum, should be subpoenaed & asked under oath about the would-be rape. Was he the unnamed accomplice? #IBelieveChristine