Trump tells Reuters he could "run" Mueller investigation if he wanted to.
Reuters is releasing excerpts from an interview with the president. One notable statementis Trump's claim that he has the power to supervise the Mueller investigation. "I've decided to stay out," Trump said. "Now, I don't have to stay out, as you know. I can go in and I could... do whatever, I could run it if I want."
It's not clear what the president means by this, since the special counsel is supposed to be, by definition, independent of the president. It's true that Trump could order Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to end the investigation. But so far, Trump has hesitated to take this radical step, which could spark a constitutional crisis.
The president also indicated he was afraid that special counsel Robert Mueller is preparing a "perjury trap" for him.
Jeet Heer, New Republic, August 20, 2018
August 21, 2018
Post Script. I posted this as a reminder of how deranged the would-be dictator is. Needless to say, he is not allowed to investigate himself, nor is questioning by a investigator a “perjury trap" unless you are a liar. If the shoe fits, Mr.Trump, wear it!