04 April 2021
TRENDINGIt's been more than a year now that churchgoers have been watching virtual streaming Sunday services on their cellphones and computers during the pandemic. Many have made a habit of tuning in while wearing cozy sweatpants or pajamas.
Then there's La Verne Ford Wimberly of Tulsa.
The 82-year-old retired educator decks herself out head to toe every Sunday, then — to the delight of fellow parishioners at Metropolitan Baptist Church — posts a selfie on Facebook after the service.
Since March 29, 2020, she has taken photos of herself from her living room in 53 different color-coordinated outfits — each one carefully selected from the burgeoning closets, jewelry boxes and neatly stacked hat boxes that have satisfied her love of making a grand entrance since she was a young schoolteacher in the 1960s.
She hasn't decided what she'll be wearing this Easter Sunday, but those who know Wimberly said the odds are good that she'll make a big splash.
"She never skips a beat with the hats, the clothes and all that beautiful jewelry," said Robin Watkins, 54, the church's executive office assistant.
"If anyone is feeling downtrodden, they just look at her [Facebook] page and immediately feel uplifted," she said. "Her heart is as beautiful as each outfit she has shared with us."
Parishioners often call Wimberly "Doctor." She has a PhD in education and spent years as a school principal and superintendent after she'd moved on from teaching, Watkins said.
She was already known at her church for the head-turning outfits she wore every Sunday, so when the pandemic hit last year and in-person services were canceled, Wimberly decided to up her game.
"In the 20 years I've been going to church there, I've always had my little routine that I learned from my mother as a girl," she said. "I'd pick out a nice outfit and hat and lay it out the night before, so that I could be prepared and look presentable."
When she learned last year that Metropolitan's service would be streamed on March 29 due to the coronavirus threat, Wimberly said she couldn't imagine wearing her bathrobe and slippers while tuning in from her living room, even if she was by herself.
"I thought, 'Oh, my goodness, I can't sit here looking slouchy in my robe,' " she said. "I didn't want to sit around alone and feel sorry for myself, so I decided, 'You know what? I'm going to dress up anyway.' "
Wimberly got up early to style her hair and put on some lipstick, then she slipped into a favorite white dress trimmed with eyelet, a sheer white ruffled hat, matching shoes and a beaded turquoise and gold necklace.
After she posted the photo and a Bible scripture for her friends, she was inundated with positive responses, she said.
"For years, everyone had known to look for me in the last row, section two, dressed to the nines," Wimberly said. "People always looked forward to seeing what I was wearing. So when I posted that photo, everyone told me it boosted their spirits."
The following Sunday, she decided to do it again, this time selecting a bright blue ensemble with silver and white jewelry. And the week after that, on Easter Sunday, Wimberly chose a pink skirt and beaded sweater jacket, and a matching hat decorated with pink and yellow lilies.
She soon decided to write down what she wore each week on a calendar so that she wouldn't commit the faux pas of wearing the same outfit twice.
"It's safe to say that 50 is a good number for the hats," she confessed. "But the clothes? I'd better not go there. Let's just say I'm now refusing to look at any catalogues."
When she was growing up, Wimberly said she cared more about climbing the tallest tree with the neighbor boys than trying on the latest frilly arrivals at fashion stores in downtown Tulsa.
It wasn't until she became a teenager and noticed that one of her junior high teachers wore a different beautiful outfit to school each day that she gradually developed an appreciation for fashion, she said.
After she graduated from the University of Tulsa and was hired in 1963 as a first-grade teacher in Chicago, Wimberly said she decided to emulate that teacher's example and dress up for the kids.
"They'd rub my arm and say, 'Oh, Miss Ford [her maiden name], you look so pretty,' " she recalled. "Pretty soon, I had so many clothes that I started a rotation and color-coding system, so I could keep surprising the kids with my outfits."
When she moved back to Tulsa and pursued a career as a principal and administrator, she decided to continue that tradition at work and at church, said Wimberly, who has lived on her own since her husband, James Oliver Wimberly, died in 2009.
She never anticipated that anyone outside her congregation would find out about her selfie Sundays, she said. But then, on March 22, a local television reporter who attends Wimberly's church decided to do a story about her colorful outfits.
"I started hearing from people everywhere who said my photos made them smile," said Wimberly. "The whole point was to inspire people and make them feel good, so I'm happy that's working."
Her pastor, Ray Owens, said he's not at all surprised that Wimberly's vogue outfits are a hit.
"Dr. Wimberly's impressive hat collection is merely an outer expression of her inner wisdom, wit and grace," he said. "We look forward to the day she again graces our church sanctuary with her impeccable style."
Wimberly is hopeful that she'll be back in her pew by late spring or early summer, she said.
Cathy Free, Washington Post, a March 31, 2021
April 4, 2021
Voices4America Post Script.Meet a woman who brings joy to the world, wearing an Easter Bonnet to church, week after week, all through the pandemic. Holiday and spring greeting to all! Share this to spread the joy!
Sorry to disrupt happiness with a reminder. Remember when that moron, evil creature - the former guy- said last year it would all be gone by Easter 2020 ! Almost #550000deaths Easter 2021, we are getting there.
Here is a real POTUS.
#WearYourMask #EndThePandemic #HappyEaster #ILoveJoe