16 October 2022On SocialThis isn't a walk off win in the bottom of the ninth, but I’ll take it. It’s still a win against an out-of-town opponent with a big payroll. Never bet against Ohio. https://t.co/EwovQX3YL7Tim Ryan
TRENDINGAnnette NiemtzowThe fight for Democracy continues in Wisconsin. The elections are on February 21.11 February 2023
TRENDINGAnnette NiemtzowVideo and transcript of the State of the Union, plus a summary by Heather Cox Richardson.08 February 2023
Annette NiemtzowTimothy Snyder connects the dots - Trump, Russia, Manafort, Deripaska, the FBI’s McGonigal and the 2016 election.26 January 2023