23 February 2020
TRENDINGRepresentative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina has a message for people predicting the Democratic nominee: not so fast.
South Carolina is one of the four early-voting states "because of the demographics of this state and the demographics of the Democratic electorate," Mr. Clyburn said on ABC's "This Week." He plans to endorse a candidate after Tuesday's debate.
"Now that the West and the Midwest and the Northeast have had their say, we're going to let people know how we feel about these candidates, and it may not line up with Nevada or New Hampshire or Iowa," he said.
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont won New Hampshire and, by a significant margin, Nevada. He also got the most support in Iowa, though it remains unclear whether he or former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., won the delegate count there.
Asked whether South Carolina would be a "make or break" state, as it has been widely cast for candidates like former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Mr. Clyburn demurred. "It could be," he said. "It doesn't have to be."
"It all depends upon how it comes out," he said. "I think make or break is probably the following Tuesday, Super Tuesday."
In a separate interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Mr. Clyburn said that he thought the Democratic candidates had "spent too much time" attacking former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York in last week's debate — but that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who led the charge, "did herself a lot of good."
"She demonstrated to the viewing public that she has tenacity and she was not unwilling to engage," he said.
New York Times, February 23, 2020
February 23, 2020
Voices4America Post Script. SC Primary next Saturday. We await Representative James Clyburn's endorsement after Tuesday's debate. In the meantime, read what he says about where we are in our nominating process. #BeatTrump #BlueHouse #BlueSenate # BlueWhiteHouse