17 January 2018
TRENDINGDonald Trump's critics are finding it difficult to digest the results of the 71-year-old's first physical exam as president, including his 6′3″ height and 239 pounds weight. Among those who raised doubts over Trump's White House doctor Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson's results was James Gunn — director of the two "Guardians of the Galaxy" films — who offered $100,000 if Trump agreed to step on an "accurate scale.""I will give 100 thousand dollars to Trump's favorite charity if he will step on an accurate scale with an impartial medical professional, okayed by both of us. For real. #Girther #GirtherMovement," Gunn wrote. Gunn then tweeted a photo of MLB star Albert Pujols alongside Trump, comparing their heights and weights.
On Tuesday, the White House released the results of Trump's first physical exam as president. The test stated that Trump has "no cognitive or mental issues whatsoever," adding that the president's "overall health is excellent."
"His cardiac performance during his physical exam was very good, he continues to enjoy the significant, long-term cardiac and overall health benefits that come from a lifetime of abstinence from tobacco and alcohol," Jackson said. "All data indicates the president is healthy and will remain so for the duration of his presidency."
The physical exam results that gave out Trump's height and weight triggered a social media movement called "#girther" — a play on the "birther" movement that Trump revived in 2011 demanding to see then-President Barack Obama's birth certificate, alleging that he was Kenyan-born and not eligible to be president. At the time, Trump alleged that the birth certificate Obama presented in 2008 was a fake.
Gunn's offer to pay for charity echoed Trump's 2012 offer of $5 million to charity if Obama would release his college transcripts. Replying to questions from social media users about his offer, Gunn made it clear that his offer wasn't about body-shaming the president.
Below are some more reactions to the president's weight mentioned in the physical exam.
The results of the test came out days after a group of mental health professionals sent a public letter to Jackson, requesting he test Trump's cognitive abilities.
The letter, in part, read: "As such, your examination should include an evaluation of the 71-year old President's neurological health, including cognitive and mental health functions. Without performing an evaluation of this kind, President Trump would be receiving care that is inadequate to the standard care regularly administered to millions of Americans covered by Medicare. Equally important, without this evaluation, the American people will not have a clear understanding about the health and well-being of the President, which is essential for Americans to know of any president."The results of the test came out days after a group of mental health professionals sent a public letter to Jackson, requesting he test Trump's cognitive abilities.
ibtimes.com January 17, 2018
January 17, 2018
Post Script. Since Dr. Ronny Jackson clearly seems to have either "lied" or "spun the truth" for an obese, out of shape man, how valid is the one cognitive test he says Trump took....also is it possible that Trump could pass that test if trained by his staff?
@ Adamparkhomenko states the case well.
Last, did Dr. Ronny mind that the White House last week signed a letter in his name, kind of....Dr. Ronnie? What is going on! Lies, lies, lies from this White House.